If Your Toast Tastes Like Paint, It's Probably Paint

When I started this blog...months ago, I planned to write at least every week, funny stuff too.  As it turns out, days go by really fast, plus I think we had a bit of a hilarity drought in the Jessen house.  Well, here we go then. 

For the past several months our family has been planning to move from Montana to Alaska.  We toiled with prepping our house for sale.  I began to regret a few of my more bold paint choices in favor of beige, it was a nice color but even now we refer to it as boring beige.  Paint slopping to and fro.
I 'm pretty sure we wore equal parts paint as that which made it to the wall.
We also had a few repairs here and there.  Some questionable technique involved.  When all was said and done our house turned out pretty damn nice if I do say so myself.
It sold in a day!  After that life was a bit of a whirlwind of getting rid of everything and getting prepared to live in a camper for a while.  All while our kids went to school and we worked.  Me as a receptionist in a physical therapy clinic and my husband as a fly fishing guide.  I should add here that our daughter is currently a senior and was working also and our son is a high school student as well. Oh, and of course we have dogs!
So after having multiple yard sales...and let me tell you about yard sales!  There are indeed a lot of really nice people that pop by.  Then there are the people (you know who they are) the ones that walk up you... "I'll give you a quarter for those."  I follow their gaze to my shoes.  I give a quizzical look "my shoes? They are on my feet?!" To those people-walk away or you will find my shoe somewhere...
It also just feels strange to have people poking through your things.  Well, we scrambled to get rid of things, and toward the end I was really ready to just throw everything away.  I should mention here that part of our moving plan is that we are only taking items we can fit in a camper.  Getting rid of stuff has really been pretty liberating.
We have now been living in our camper for the past few weeks.  I should add that I don't particularly miss our house at all, although we have been staying in rv parks which is entertaining on it's own.  The other day, we did see a lady walking her very large cat on a leash.  I have to admit I was just a bit jealous since her cat walked better than our dogs.  In case you were wondering, no I did not try to walk the dogs while the cat was out.  In another couple of weeks we will be on our way.  Our daughter will graduate, our son will be out of school.  Here we go!
Before I close, yes, I did get paint in the toaster and yes...we still used it. 


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